
What is CCTV? Getting the most from your current video tech setup

January 29, 2024
Katie McCann
In This Article
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Having some type of security or surveillance set up has become less of a luxury and more of a necessity — which is why an understanding of CCTV is so important for business owners.  

CCTV can seem like a buzzword, but it’s actually quite simple once you break it down — which is exactly what we’re going to do in this article.  

This article will go over:

  • What CCTV is
  • How CCTV works
  • Types of CCTV cameras
  • Why business owners should care about CCTV
  • CCTV benefits

What is CCTV?

CCTV stands for Closed-Circuit Television. It's a surveillance system that uses cameras to capture and transmit video signals to a specific set of monitors or recording devices. Unlike traditional television broadcasting, the term "closed-circuit" implies that the video is transmitted through a private, secure system.

How does CCTV work?

A CCTV camera works like a digital eye. It has a lens that captures light, and an inner part called an image sensor turns this light into an electronic signal. The signal can be sent in two ways: through cables to a recorder (analog) or over networks to a computer system (digital).

Once the signal reaches the recorder or computer system, it gets processed and compressed to save space. The final video is stored on the recorder's hard drive for later viewing. The same video can be watched in real-time on monitors connected to the system.

Modern cameras might have cool features like seeing in the dark (infrared), sensing movement, or even moving (pan, tilt, zoom). Overall, CCTV cameras are like digital eyes that capture and store what's happening, helping with security and monitoring.

Types of CCTV cameras

There are numerous types of CCTV cameras you can see around. Some of the most popular CCTV cameras include:

  • Dome cameras: Named for their dome-like shape, these cameras are often used for more discreet looks — they are both harder to spot and harder to determine where they are focused on
  • Bullet cameras: Just like the dome cameras, the bullet cameras are named for their bullet-like shape. These cameras can be mounted on walls or ceilings and are pretty rough-and-tumble, able to function with dirt and dust
  • C-mount surveillance cameras: A C-mount camera is a type of surveillance camera that features a C-mount lens interface. The "C" in C-mount refers to the standardized thread type on the camera lens, allowing for the attachment of various lenses depending on the specific surveillance needs.

Why should business owners care about CCTV and video surveillance?

Video surveillance is becoming a cornerstone of a safe and profitable business for numerous reasons, which is why  

Some of the arising surveillance and loss prevention risks that are arising, which can be addressed easier through video surveillance solutions, include:

1. Theft

A lot of external factors are contributing to the rise of theft, both internal and external, that businesses are facing. The cost of living rising faster than wages is a huge one — people may become more desperate as they struggle to compete with these rising costs.

Why does surveillance help? An intelligent video surveillance and loss prevention system allows you to keep an eye out for instances of theft with ease.

2. Shrinking profit margins

It’s not just the cost of living that makes people nervous. It’s the cost of everything, including fixed costs in running a business (energy, cost of labor, base food costs, rent, ad more).  

Why does surveillance help? Set up audits through your video surveillance system to keep an eye on common areas of loss. If your energy bill is going up, your surveillance system can notify you if lights are left on or freezer doors are left open. If food costs are skyrocketing, review where food is being wasted.  

3. Insurance claims/experience claims

The saying is the customer is always right, but what happens when the customer is trying to make a quick buck? This can be through something as small as finessing a free meal (through a complaint that wasn’t valid) or trying to sue through a slip-and-fall that may not have been as accidental as they let on. These incidents can be costly

Why does surveillance help? Surveillance gives you the evidence you need to review if these costly incidents are taking place. Without surveillance in place, incidents can quickly become a “he said/she said” situation where the cost to your reputation or dollars spent fighting the incident is more costly than the payout.  

What are some of the advantages CCTV surveillance has for business owners? 5 major benefits to consider

As a business owner, everything you bring into your business needs to be beneficial — there’s too much going on to waste time on anything that isn’t bringing you a benefit or solid ROI.

Luckily, CCTV surveillance (or any video surveillance set up, truthfully) has some major benefits for business owners, making it something you need to investigate ASAP if you aren’t a current video surveillance user.  

And if you are, some of the benefits may be unlocked only when you upgrade your system. Which you may also want to investigate ASAP.  

1. Improved security efforts

Back in the day, a physical camera was enough to stop a thief in their tracks — the mere thought of the camera capturing a grainy photo had people changing their petty theft plans.  However, that’s not the case anymore. Not only do you need cameras to physically deter theft, you need them working when the theft takes place.  

Security is huge for businesses, and having the equipment to adequately secure your business is arguably the biggest part of security.  

This is a huge reason to invest in CCTV or other video surveillance options. The physical cameras can act as a deterrent to potential intruders, and when (inevitably) something happens, you have the cameras  

One of the primary reasons to invest in CCTV is to enhance the security of your business premises. Surveillance cameras act as a deterrent to potential intruders or vandals. The presence of visible cameras can discourage criminal activities and protect your assets.

2. Proactive loss prevention

You know the example we talked about above around theft and shrinking profit margins? Having a loss prevention system in place is one of the largest ways to tackle theft and shrinking profit margins.  

But you’re shooting in the dark without CCTV or another video surveillance system to catch the moments of loss.

CCTV and video surveillance technologies provide a vigilant set of electronic eyes that monitor and record activities within and around a business premises, acting as a powerful deterrent to potential thieves and vandals. The mere presence of visible cameras can significantly reduce the likelihood of criminal activities, as individuals are less inclined to engage in illicit behavior when they know they are being watched.

CCTV systems offer real-time monitoring capabilities, allowing business owners to keep a constant eye on their operations even when they are not physically present. This enables swift response to any suspicious activities or incidents, minimizing the potential for losses. In the event of a theft or vandalism, recorded footage serves as valuable evidence for law enforcement and insurance purposes, aiding in the identification and apprehension of perpetrators


3. Employee productivity

Believe it or not, a modern CCTV or video surveillance system can actually help to monitor employee productivity — talk about getting your bang for your buck on dollars put towards labor.  

No manager can sit and watch their store 24/7. A CCTV or video surveillance system works two-fold when it comes to boosting employee productivity.  

  • “Eye in the sky”: Your staff will not be always at 100%, but the idea that a camera can catch them will definitely get them closer to that 100% mark. Knowing they could potentially get caught is enough to keep some staff more on track
  • Measurable productivity: A smart CCTV or video surveillance system can measure your employee productivity through reporting.  

Pro tip: An intelligent CCTV or video surveillance system, like DTiQ, can create audits that summarize what your cameras are seeing, including things around employee productivity. You can get an overview of some harder-to-measure areas of productivity, like phone use.  

4. Actionable insights

CCTV systems can provide valuable insights into the daily operations of your business. You can observe customer behavior, track popular areas, and make informed decisions about store layout or product placements.

It’s also hard to improve things you aren’t measuring. Without intelligent video surveillance or a CCTV system in place, it’s impossible to keep your eyes on everything happening. You can measure things like time in line, wait times at drive-thru, foot traffic, wait times, and more with CCTV — and by measuring it, you can improve it.  

5. Evidence

Unfortunately, things will go wrong at your business at some point. Whether it’s a bad customer experience, internal theft, or somebody using a saw to cut down a wall and get into your business for cash (it happens!), you need video evidence to deal with these situations.  

In case of incidents such as accidents, disputes, or security breaches, CCTV footage serves as valuable evidence. This evidence can be crucial for investigations, insurance claims, and legal matters.


CCTV and video surveillance: keeping your business safe

In summary, investing in CCTV for your business offers a comprehensive and effective way to enhance security, reduce losses, monitor operations, and provide evidence in case of incidents. It's a valuable tool for safeguarding your business assets and ensuring a safe and secure environment for both employees and customers.

Want help figuring out the right video surveillance and loss prevention solution for your business? Get in touch or book a demo with DTiQ and see how we power 190,000+ cameras nationwide.  

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