
The benefits of cloud-based video surveillance for your business

December 13, 2023
Katie McCann
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According to Statista, the size of the video surveillance market size is valued to be $63B, and the information security products and services market is valued at a staggering $172B as of 2022. While businesses have relied on security cameras for decades, a new class of intelligent video solutions has emerged: cloud-based video surveillance systems.

These cloud-based camera systems can transform the way you capture video footage and thus give you greater peace of mind. When combined with physical security measures and other modern security solutions, cloud-based video surveillance represents a true game-changer for small businesses. With that in mind, let’s explore the benefits and functionality of cloud-based video management systems (VMSs).

Unleashing the Power of Cloud-Based Video Surveillance

In the past, businesses relied heavily on traditional surveillance systems, like closed-circuit television (CCTV) setups. These analog solutions required on-premise hard drives, DVRs, or other local storage equipment, which all represented major upfront costs. While CCTV offered a reliable means of capturing store footage, it proved unable to provide real-time alerts or new features such as video analytics.

Cloud-based camera systems, on the other hand, streamline video storage, access control, motion detection, and other store security processes. The best cameras include night vision recognition (NVR), automatic notifications, and license plate recognition, alongside much more.

As with traditional camera solutions, though, the efficacy of cloud-based video surveillance systems hinges on security camera placement. The goal is to create eagle-eyed networks around your business that can capture camera footage of any critical incident, such as robberies or parking lot accidents.

Enhanced Security and Data Protection

Now that you know more about the capabilities of cloud-managed security cameras, let’s get into the benefits they offer.

The most obvious benefit of cloud-based video surveillance is that it improves security and data protection through the following means:

Remote Monitoring and Alerts

The latest loss prevention software includes artificial intelligence technology, which automatically monitors your business and pushes out alerts via a mobile app if it observes anything out of the ordinary, ensuring you are notified right away anytime something is amiss at your store. Whether you are across the street or across the globe, you can keep an eye on your business.

Additionally, many cloud systems offer real-time streaming capabilities, allowing you to view live footage of whatever is going on inside and outside your business. Cloud technology also makes it easy to bookmark, save, and share the footage: For instance, you could tag and share footage of a robbery with your insurance company or law enforcement officers.

Secure Data Storage

With CCTV setups in the past, video footage was stored on an on-premise DVR or hard drive, which could be damaged or stolen. Thankfully, today’s cloud storage solutions provide far better protection against physical threats.

Cloud-based video surveillance technology also improves your company’s cybersecurity stance. Your cloud service provider will manage a cloud server and is responsible for creating a secure, reliable location for you to store your video footage. All you need is a stable internet connection and Wi-Fi capabilities.

Cloud VMS tech also offers disaster recovery options, ensuring your data remains safe, no matter what threats come its way.

Flexibility and Scalability

As a growth-minded business owner, you are, naturally, always looking for ways to expand, evolve, and sharpen your competitive edge. Old-school video security tools, though, are not exactly known for their scalability or flexibility, so you need a video surveillance system that can keep up.

If you are running an on-premise setup, you’ll have to invest in new hardware and security cameras every time you expand your business and open a new location. With a cloud-based video surveillance solution, you can manage security across every location from a single app.

Other ways that cloud-based video surveillance promotes flexibility and scalability are as follows:

Scalability and Future-Proofing

Cloud-based video surveillance systems offer exceptional scalability, as both the server and back-end hardware are managed by your video surveillance as a service (VSaaS) provider. The provider handles all the complex technical aspects of managing your tech, like publishing firmware updates, ensuring you have enough bandwidth, and developing new features for the platform.

Moreover, cloud technology ensures that your surveillance investment is future-proofed. With continuous updates and improvements, cloud-based systems are equipped with the latest security tech.

Customization and Integration

Your business is unique, and so are its security requirements. Cloud-based video surveillance options recognize that sort of individuality and thus allow you to customize the platform to suit your needs. Whether you want specific recording schedules, unique alert triggers, or specialized camera setups, the cloud can accommodate you.

Integration has also never been easier with the cloud, as solutions can effortlessly integrate with your existing security measures, like alarm systems and panic buttons. Top options can even integrate with other business systems, like your fire alarm and cooling system.

Cost Efficiency and Accessibility

One of the biggest barriers to video surveillance adoption is cost. Even if you purchase budget equipment from Amazon, implementing a system with on-premise storage hardware can cost you thousands.

Fortunately, cloud-based video surveillance provides several cost savings benefits in the following ways:

Reduced Hardware Costs

The cost savings benefits of cloud-based video surveillance storage technology are profound. With cloud-based video surveillance, you can offload much of the data storage and maintenance responsibilities to your VSaaS provider.

In addition to reducing storage and maintenance costs, you may also be able to lease your equipment or pay for it in installments, further lowering your expenses. By taking advantage of cloud-based video surveillance storage, you can free up additional funding for your loss prevention programs and allocate these resources to things like employee training and better lighting.

Remote Access From Anywhere

Cloud-based security camera systems are also incredibly accessible. Whether you are at home, commuting, or even on vacation, you can easily check in on your business.

With data stored securely online, you can access both live and stored video footage from your mobile app — all you need is an internet connection. You can finally enjoy peace of mind without taking on costs like sending an employee to check on your store at odd hours or hiring a security guard.

Compliance and Data Management

In today’s highly regulated environment, your business will undoubtedly face pressure to ensure that its security systems adhere to strict compliance standards.

Once you implement a video surveillance system, you become a data collector, which means you are responsible for protecting the sensitive data of your consumers, including their credit card numbers and license plates.

When you store security footage on-site, you bear that compliance burden alone, but if you make the leap to cloud-based video surveillance technology, your VSaaS provider will help you maintain a state of compliance. With the right vendor in your corner, managing surveillance data becomes effortless.

Cloud systems also come with user-friendly interfaces, allowing you to easily categorize, retrieve, analyze, and dispose of data, while your vendor is always watching your back and doing their part to keep your data safe.

Looking Ahead: Future Trends in Cloud-Based Video Surveillance

Countless businesses have already adopted cloud-based video surveillance, but it is only the beginning. In the coming years, cloud-based video technologies are bound to continue to evolve, setting the stage for automated monitoring and advanced threat detection.

Technologies like AI are paving the way for smart surveillance systems — cameras that don’t just record but analyze and predict. Advanced analytics technologies could pick up on everything from facial expressions that indicate unusual tension (such as when someone is about to commit a crime) to suspicious activities.

The biggest change in video surveillance, though, will involve the adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. While cloud-based surveillance cameras are already a part of the IoT ecosystem, future tech will likely include complementary solutions such as sensors, scanning devices, and the like. The end result will be a holistic security solution that proactively protects your business from a wide range of threats, including theft, robbery, and more.

Tap Into the Benefits of Cloud-Based Security Camera Systems

If your business is still relying on antiquated CCTV monitoring systems — or worse, doesn’t have any video monitoring equipment at all — it’s time to make a change. Cloud-based video surveillance technology provides a plethora of benefits that will help protect you, your brand image, and your customers.

When exploring cloud-based security systems, make sure to consider factors such as:

  • Initial and ongoing costs
  • The quality of equipment
  • The level of vendor support
  • The scope of services the vendor provides
  • Additional equipment needs

Ideally, you want to partner with a future-minded VSaaS provider that is committed to connecting you with the latest in cloud-based video surveillance technologies, and DTiQ is that vendor. We don’t just provide cloud-based video cameras; we offer holistic cloud security technologies designed to unlock measurable savings for your business.

To learn more about DTiQ and our ever-growing suite of security solutions, book a demo today and see why hundreds of businesses have partnered with us to elevate their security posture.

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