
Everything you need to know about DTiQ’s SmartAudit™

July 10, 2023
Izzy Esber
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You’ve probably muttered these phrases to yourself countless times:

There are not enough hours in a day. If only you could clone yourself. There’s too much to do and not enough hands on deck. Has science made it possible to teleport yet?

Unfortunately, we haven’t found the technology to teleport just yet, but we may just have the next best thing.

Cue DTiQ SmartAudit™. These audits pull unparalleled insights into your business, delivered to QSR owners to give you a customized report of how your business is performing. Findings are discovered by the 360iQ platform and confirmed by our full team of auditors so that you get all the insights without any of the time digging for them.

What is SmartAudit™?

Think back to all of the times that you’ve shown up at your franchise locations unannounced and immediately see the things you know need to change. Behavior might improve when you’re there, but you can’t be there watching and monitoring all the changes you need to make.

Think of your SmartAudits™ as your 24/7365 unannounced visit. You work with your DTiQ team to determine what areas of your business you need to focus on at each location. From there, you receive the overviews right to your mobile application of each location’s performance without ever needing to leave your desk.

And each overview you receive is exactly what you want to know about your business and each specific location. It’s never going to be 100% the same, which lets you know that you’re getting the insights that you need. You’re not paying for anything that doesn’t add value to your business.

But it’s also so much more than that.

With DTiQ’s SmartAudit™ solutions, trained experts use advanced algorithms to look through the data and remote observation of more than 30,000 customer locations every month. Customized programs can measure and manage various areas of concern for clients, including enhanced loss prevention, customer interaction, employee effectiveness, operational compliance and more.

You don’t just have surveillance in place with DTiQ SmartAudit™ solutions. You have a dedicated partner ensuring maximum financial return and operational excellence on the ground, where it counts.

What are the Benefits of SmartAudit ™?

Bringing SmartAudit ™ into your business can have some major benefits. Let’s review some of them.

Customized Business Insights

What matters to you and your business won’t matter to a business that may be your next-door neighbor. That’s why SmartAudit ™ solutions pull business insights that matter to you and you alone. The report is fully customizable, so you see everything you want. You’ll work with your DTiQ rep to build the report together and get insight into everything you need.

Operational Excellence

Are people on their phones? Are customers getting greeted? Are your guests getting the best experience possible when they come to your business? Now you can find out. Audits can get as detailed as saying if employees are wearing gloves and saying hello to diners to larger operational issues like safe and secure cash handling practices — meaning your operation will get better every day.

Unbiased Reviews of Operations

It’s easy to miss things you see every day, especially when you’re that close to your own operation. SmartAudit ™ allows an unbiased set of eyes to review performance and see what’s really going on — and see how your customers are seeing things as well.

Time Savings

Simply put, there’s not enough time in the day to review performance at all of your locations to the level of detail you need. SmartAudit ™ means one of our 100+ auditors is taking the time to review your performance and pull out what actually needs your attention. You save hours sifting through footage and notes. Instead, you receive the moments that need your attention, catered directly to your needs.

What Do SmartAudits ™ Focus On?

Short answer? SmartAudits ™ can focus on anything you need them to, so there’s no one answer.

Longer answer? The program is fully customized to your business needs, and the customized audit questions you ask are tailored to you. SmartAudit ™ clients work with their account representatives to create a SmartAudit ™ that is exactly what you need — and nothing else.

But there are a few areas that people typically use their SmartAudit ™ reports to drill down on, including:

  • Cash handling: Is your team practicing safe cash handling procedures? Is cash not making it to the safe? Are two people in the cash room during counts at the end of the day? Review all of this through a SmartAudit™.
  • Employee safety: This includes reviewing that your store is safe for employees and they are behaving in a way that ensures safety. Keep an eye out for any roughhousing or improper cleaning that can result in injury.
  • Employee productivity: Less Candy Crush on shift! You can get a report at the end of each day that tells you how often phones were pulled out while on the floor, which directly takes away from productivity.
  • Hygiene: These reports can be as detailed as checking for employees wearing hairnets and gloves, washing their hands, and more. A clean workplace makes for happy customers!
  • Loss prevention: Nothing keeps businesses of all sizes up at night like loss prevention. Trying to manage loss plagues industry leaders across the world — whether it’s food waste, product theft, shrink, or cash theft.

And these are just some of the areas that SmartAudit ™ can focus on. You get to work with your DTiQ team to figure out what matters to you — and how to optimize it.

The Future is Smart(Audit)

The future of your franchise is getting smart — SmartAudit ™. With industry-defining technology that lets you see your store from even more lenses, keep your eyes in more places at once, and get customized programs can measure and manage your specific areas of concern, you’re getting a whole team in your corner.

See how DTiQ and SmartAudit™ can help. You can contact us or book a demo to see our technology in action.

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