Table service restaurant (TSR) solutions

Unlock customized data on your restaurant’s operation and improve your speed of service.

See how DTiQ helps table service restaurants overcome common issues.

Advanced business reporting

Advanced business reporting through DTiQ enables restaurants to monitor operations in real-time, enhance security, and gather valuable insights, leading to improved efficiency, customer experience, and overall profitability.

a computer screen with 5-6 different graphs on it all in green. the graphs are a variety of bar graphs and pie graphs.

Location-specific analytics

Seeing analytics on business performance at each specific business is crucial for identifying trends, optimizing operations, and making data-driven decisions to ensure the success and growth of each branch. DTiQ lets you tailor your reporting down to the individual location.

the back of a head typing on a computer screen, reviewing different reports on the screen

Tailored SmartAudit™ services

Unlock next-level actionable insights at your TSR with DTiQ's SmartAudit™. These audits, which are completely tailored to your TSR needs, can help operators:

  • Maximize financial return at each location
  • Unlock insights on performance from unbiased, regularly scheduled reviews
  • Save time on investigations, as DTiQ auditors actively participate in and take ownership of the audit process
  • Save money, with 80% of locations using SmartAudit™ services seeing an improvement in refunds, discounts, and voids
A computer screen opened with two hands typing on it. The screen is open to two different camera angles, showing an overview of a business

Transform your operations today

See how DTiQ helps you overcome the major business challenges table-service restaurants face.