Case Study

Case study - Subway

Rachel Bienvenue
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Case Study

DTiQ Uncovers Internal Theft at SUBWAY® Store

I have been a DTiQ customer since 2007. At that time I did not have any interest in the SmartAudit™ service. A recent experience at one of my stores taught me otherwise. If I’d signed up for the service at that time, I could have potentially prevented significant cash loss.

Back in October, I received a complimentary SmartAudit™ from DTiQ that indicated possible fraud. I requested a more thorough look into the situation and DTiQ’s Forensic Investigation clearly indicated that an employee had been ringing up fraudulent transactions dating back to July of 2012. Approximately $13.00 per hour worked was stolen over a 15 month timeframe.

“There’s a cost to having DTiQ of course but the system pays for itself over and over and over again because I’m able to catch and prevent fraud.”

The Process

The employee managed to pocket money using the item correct feature on our registers. She rang up items ordered and stated the amount to the customer; while the customer was gathering cash, she item corrected the tender to $0. The employee would collect cash from the customer and place it in the register, then calculate the customer’s change.

While doing cash balances, where cash was to be placed in an envelope, the employee was seen on camera keeping some bills on a shelf, not in the envelope. At the end of her shift, she’d retrieve the loose cash and place it in her purse or jacket.

Looking at the POS transactions from this employee’s shift, it was clear that the majority of cash transactions were item corrected. If a credit card was used for payment, all red negatives from the last few cash transactions were visible. This is how DTiQ was able to quantify all item corrects.

In the event that a customer asked for a receipt, the employee would have to re-ring the transaction without item correcting. So, receipts and credit card transactions posed a barrier for her scheme.

Admitting Theft + Filing a Report

I contacted the employee over the phone and stated that she was terminated for stealing. She did not question it. A couple of weeks later, she sent me a text message admitting to stealing.

At the end of December I filed a report with the police department and was able to give them a flash drive with DTiQ’s Forensic Investigation and video clips showing the employee taking money. It was a very complete package.

If the employee admits to stealing only $1,000 it is considered a felony. I did also file an insurance claim and I know they will be going after her to recoup their losses.

A Learning Experience

I know there is fraud going on at every restaurant in the world in different ways. It is up to the owner to determine how much they want to know. How much time, effort, and money do they want to spend on uncovering it? Do the potential findings outweigh the cost of the system? Now, I can confidently say that those costs are justifiable.

If I had been signed up for SmartAudits™ when I first installed the DTiQ system years ago, this employee would not have lasted a month. As an operator, you think you have a good employee but can never be sure. Once you get away with something it’s hard to stop; you become more and more greedy and the sky’s the limit. When no one’s catching you, you build a routine. This employee had been stealing month after month and created an additional income for herself.

DTiQ LP Services

I’ll be signing up for SmartAudits™ this month as a result of this whole experience. I used to think I could handle Loss Prevention myself; but, I don’t actually do it. Whatever I pay per month for these services is justifiable; it will save me money in the long run.

There’s a cost to having DTiQ of course but the system pays for itself over and over and over again because I’m able to catch and prevent fraud.

I recently talked with DTiQ’s Business Consulting Group and will be meeting with a consultant again soon for additional training. They will soon have me setup to receive an email notification every time a transaction includes an item correct with a $0 balance tender. Training is all about setting parameters and identifying what you want to be alerted about.

I think that I’ll see more of the same issues at my stores moving forward as well as a great deal of Sweethearting. I know it’s going on but haven’t been able to call people out on it.

With SmartAudit™ in place last year, I would’ve been aware of various problems at my stores. As a Franchisee, if you are not going to look for issues and monitor your operation regularly and consistently, then you need to hire someone to do it. I’m very confident that DTiQ is the right partner for my business.

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