Case Study

Case study - Auntie Anne's

Rachel Bienvenue
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Case Study

When we were in the market for a surveillance system we wanted something that would give us an understanding of what was going on at our stores at any given time. Looking at financials alone, for example, does not provide a comprehensive overview of the operation; cameras do. If food costs look higher than normal, a review of camera footage may show that night shift employees are rolling out dough, wasting butter and paper cost. It’s a fine art to manage our roundup! DTT really helps

A big draw when we were looking for a system was the SmartAudit™ tool. We have a lot of stores and a lot of cameras, making it difficult to monitor and manage them all. As an operator, you need assurance that everything is being watched; plus it’s really valuable to have DTT’s LP team on our side. Cameras are great at deterring theft, possibly minimizing sweethearting, and keeping employees on their toes but the system is about more than that. It’s about improving the whole operation. With SmartAudit™, we know if employees are in uniform, if they’re upselling, if there is enough product in the warmer, etc. With DTT’s LP specialists on our team I know the operation is being monitored and that we will be notified when something needs to be addressed. I also love that the audits are easily customizable. For instance, if you have a strict uniform policy, SmartAudit™ will monitor that.

“DTiQ has impacted our operation in a positive way. Labor is the area where I find it most helpful from a financial standpoint.”

MyDTT™ Portal

DTT also works for us as a human resource tool. If an employee is caught stealing, we will address the problem directly but also log it in MyDTT™. This way, HR can access the data and review details regarding any incidents that take place. Also, using the “actions taken” feature, they can confirm that appropriate steps were taken to address any issues.

I reference MyDTT™ daily to follow up on exceptions. Voids and No Sales are most important to me so I review those transactions as well as corresponding video to see if there was any fraudulent activity.

The great thing about MyDTT™ is it’s so easy to use. We currently operate 60+ stores. I can pull up live footage from 1 store then within 2 clicks view another. It’s really easy to get from one store to the next to see what’s going on where.

Our Managers access the system also. They work hard to create a great environment and service for our customers as well as establish a good reputation within the community so I want them to know how important their role is. They use it mainly to remotely view live and recorded video. Also, if we receive a complaint from a customer, they can review video and audio data to verify what really happened. Video doesn’t lie. We wouldn’t want to reprimand an employee for something they didn’t do.

Audio Module

We installed an audio kit at our stores to help us monitor customer greeting and upselling. We not only verify that guests were greeted and upsold but also that employees followed the correct scripts – did they offer the right sauce or dip? Did they distribute a sample? It has become a great training tool too, especially for new employees just learning ropes.

Overall, I know DTT has impacted our operation in a positive way. Labor is the area where I find it most helpful from a financial standpoint. By monitoring the DTT system we can determine whether we have enough staff members on duty at any given time or if we have too many and make adjustments accordingly.

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